How to have beautiful and sexy lips
Hello beauty !!
One of the sexiest body parts of girls are lips and having them pretty is not always an easy task, the sun, the cold, drink little water ... we can have some lips that instead of desexys look like cardboard.
For these reasons today I bring you some beauty tricks so that our lips look pretty and sexy .
1. Use a good lip balm if you do not have your favorite you can check out My ranking of lip balms
2. I know what it costs but keep your tongue away from your lips do not wet them and they will dry up.
3. Exfoliate the lips to remove the dead skin, you can buy a specific scrub for this area as the lush. If you do not want to spend money mix sugar with a little honey and ready, make your own lip scrub.
4. Always remove the lips very well to let them breathe, and do it with suitable products and not with wipes cleansers.
5. Drink two liters of water a day and do not spend more than 3 hours without drinking water to keep our lips from drying out.
6. Long-lasting lipsticks are not recommended since they are the ones with the most dry lips.
7. Try to always protect them from both cold and excessive heat.
8. Do not smoke, if you do, your lips will dry up.
9. When you go to make up, first use a profiler. Then a lipstick and finally a gloss to give more volume.
Follow these beauty tricks to have some lipsperfectos ?